
There is very often a them-and-us mentality when it comes to how biotech companies think about the regulators. New companies, in particular, tend to view what is said by the regulators as prescriptive and are afraid to speak to them or get the scientific advice that is available. However, if they did take time to […]


In a previous blog post (Linked here), I raised the issue of patient-centricity and my concern that it is being used more as a marketing tool than a way to build truly patient-centric products. To shift that thinking, there needs to be broad commitment to bringing patients into the fold at every stage of the […]


Start-ups and emerging biotech companies often start out with lofty goals about what their products can do. That’s very noble but it’s also an easy way to run out of money halfway through the development process. While it’s good to have long-term goals, success depends on developing a well-defined target product profile (TPP). Start with […]


Patient-engagement or patient-centricity is now widely spoken about, but it’s rarely brought into the process of product development early on. As a regulatory consultant, my role is to fulfil the objectives of our clients as I help them navigate the clinical trial approvals process and I strongly believe that this would be a good point […]